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Thursday, September 24, 2009


Today I was feeling that whatever I am doing, it must be the right thing because I'm feeling really good. My energy is great, I'm waking up early and I'm not thinking about food all the time, in fact, I haven't counted a calorie for more than three weeks. I was having issues with calorie counting. It had been messing with my mojo. For example, if I had 'spare' calories because I hadn't been hungry that day, I felt like I should eat more, just because I could. If I was hungry, but close to my calorie limit, I felt like I was not 'allowed' to eat, which made me feel deprived and usually led to breakout eating. It's better this way. If I'm hungry I eat something delicious and usually healthy, end of it.

Today I made another attempt at replicating the fabulous foldover omelette that I got at Tangente in Dunedin. It not quite a fail, but I think I need either a non-stick pan or a whole lot more oil if I want that lovely smooth finish. Taste was fine though. This one had spinach, mushrooms and garlic.

Lunch was my favourite Lara Bar which is ginger spice. So good. It may be the new eggs (for those that are not longtime readers - I went through a mad phase where I was paranoid about running out of eggs. It got the the stage when I always had about 6 dozen eggs in my fridge).
Then I went on a Dandelion coffee mission and on my return, made a dandelion soy latte! Yay, I did it! That's half a raw Tama Toa bar beside it.

Then a banana with almond butter.

Today was the day. My rye sprouts were ready and I made my first attempt at making essene bread. I mashed the sprouted rye berries in the blender, formed them into somewhat sludgy balls, set the oven very low and dehydrated them for about 5 hours. The result was ... pretty good for a first try. They needed more mashing, but I'm keen for another go. I ate two of these with a little nut butter and cherry jam (a test kitchen must have a taste tester).

Dinner was a chicken and vege thing with kumara and pineapple. Nothing too ambitious.

No training today as I was writing all day. That's the large assignment done, and I did rewrite the last paragraph, changing the theme of it completely. Tomorrow I've got a smaller one to finish, then a smaller one again to email on Saturday. After that, I'm all yours, more or less ;)

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