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Thursday, September 3, 2009

23/126 NCR

Day 23 was a bit of a struggle! It started well, but I got into a bad mental space in the afternoon and made the fatal decision to have a glass of wine before dinner. The problem was that I'm working on a uni assignment and it's not going very smoothly. So, I procrastinated and practically talked myself into believing that it's a lost cause, so why even try (wrong attitude!). I know.. with that kind of self talk going on, it's only a matter of time before it segues into.. well, if I'm going to be a lose I'd might as well have fun doing it! Let's have a drink! And some chocolate!

The goods news? It was organic wine so the hangover was nil. Also I did not drink the whole bottle, and I still managed to avoid eating any of the Programmers pasta that I made him for dinner, although - ahem - I did sprinkle a rather overgenerous amount of grated cheese on my broccoli. Well, even on the Paleo diet you are allowed to break the rules sometimes.

No training, I had an early appointment with a client and so designated a rest day. That's my two rest days for the week used.

Breakfast was the usual boiled egg on essene bread with walnut butter. Before I went to my appointment I threw a lamb chop in my mini-crockpot and it was ready for lunch with a bunch of veges. That's cubed pumpkin with some pumpkin seeds sprinkled on (reunited!).

Mid afternoon I nuked a piece of turmeric coated fish, pre-cooked from yesterday and had a delicious fuji apple with nut butter, and a fig. The organic fuji apples at the moment are aMAYzing, very sweet and crunchy.

Dinner - note the abundance of el cheddar. I made some lean beef burgers, lots of broccoli, it was a pretty good meal. You can see the remnants of a glass of wine hanging in there for it's last few moments on earth.

And, of course. Having gotten that out of my system, suddenly that assignment doesn't even look so scary. It's all attitude.

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