Breakfast today was the usual essene bread, egg, walnut butter combo with Omega 3 and glucosamine capsules.
Lunch did not get the photo treatment because I was in the middle of creating some kick-a user instructions for a fictitious software program. This is the joys of the www (which, by the way, in Italian, sounds like vu vu vu). You can take a break and eat lunch while sitting an exam. Lunch was a beef steak and lots of veges. My mother generously gave me a huge pile of fresh highland beef, which is very lean. Also, I know those cows had a great life in the country and didn't experience the horrors of bulk meat processing when it was time to become steaks. Fresh meat like that tends to bleed more than dried out supermarket stuff when you thaw it and I've observed that some people just can't handle it. I guess I'm really not squeamish, I mean, where do people think meat comes from?? Yes, that is blood inside that raw meat. Sorry, I didn't put it there to gross you out. I will make a point not to be playing with steaks when visitors come by.
Mid afternoon was a protein and banana smoothie. This time with Whey Protein Concentrate of my own design. I make a point to properly sample the new batches, even though I'm not supposed to eat dairy on the BTD for Type O's (although the Genotype diet might have allowed it, had I been able to actually figure out which genotype I am). I didn't get any noticeable negative effect from the dairy consumption though, perhaps because it is very low-carb and therefore low-lactose? Anyway it was delishamous.
BTW, the very crucial thing for making a protein drink taste marvellously flavourful is the addition of a coloured straw (as I am kiwi, I shall assert my right to put u's in exotic places).
Dinner was a meatloaf which had sneaky veges that The Programmer didn't even notice were in there. Perhaps he noticed the onion, but he didn't know there was also spinach in there, did he?. BWAHAHHAA.
I had way more veges than meat, due to my new policy of vegeing up myself. Japanese turnips, pumpkin, broccoli, rocket, mushrooms and jerusalem artichokes. A few hours later I had an apple.
Next week, The Programmer and I are making a road trip in the (rudely named) grand NZ tradition of 'going down south' . We will be leaving on Sunday and will be away for a whole week. Naturally this is causing me a high degree of foodie anxiety and, as per usual, I'll probably take several large coolers of food that I only eat a quarter of. It will be very interesting to see how my new nutrition plan holds up in the Big Bad World outside my house. Sink or Swim? Stay tuned.
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