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Thursday, August 27, 2009

16/126 NCR

Bleh.. I think I'll just say that today started well, with an early morning and HIIT cardio on the bike, but ended kind of badly with an overindulgence in wine and essene bread - it may be healthy but it's still quite calorie dense. On the whole though, I feel like I'm moving toward where I want to be. I have not had a 5000 calorie mega-binge in ages and I'm not eating to the point of feeling ill or eating junk. It's all improvement. That having been said, I will die of surprise if I show a weightloss at the three week mark. I guess it all depends on how the next five days go!

In thinking about the last few days, it's clear that I've been under massive stress. Without going into it too deeply there has been a lot of emotion flying around regarding the liquidation of a family business and the associated loss of some family property. Also I decided to clean up my personal affairs by cutting a few business ties (financial) and this resulted in a highly abusive email from someone that I once was quite good friends with. As regards the family stuff, I've been getting it from all sides. In family situations I tend to be Switzerland, a neutral zone where everyone feels they can dump their high emotion without much consquence. Of course I love my family, but the influx of emotion and tension does take a toll, especially when it's a situation that I can't even do a single thing about - so I feel helpless. As regards the abusive email, people seem to percieve me as someone that won't be affected by something like that. I guess because I always handle it without becoming a mess, at least outwardly. I haven't been sleeping well either which does not do fabulous things for my appetite control.

So, I'm not entirely too sure what to do about my stress eating in these circumstances, but for now I'll just be aware of it and try to look after myself more adequately. Take action before I get to the state of completely overwhelmed and beside myself.

Foody pics for today:

Candied parnsips. Parsnips parboiled and then baked in a mix of agave syrup and olive oil. Mmm.


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